—— 《网络妈妈》观后感
—— 《网络妈妈》观后感
中学生上网一个值得讨论的问题是聊天,很多学生上网不干别的,只为聊天。这有多方面的原因,首先是他们的网络知识缺乏,就像一个刚刚接触电脑的人,只会玩游戏一个道理。而对于网络聊天我是这样认为的, 中学生时期是一个非常特殊的阶段,个体从小学进入初中、高中阶段,其身心发展起了重大的变化,这个时期的中学生有着较强的逆反心理,在平时的学习、生活中我们和家长总是处在不同的角度看问题,并反感家长的一些做法,当遇到和家长的思想不能取得统一时,我就会利用网络并以朋友的身份给妈妈发伊妹尔,或在妈妈出差时,在QQ上和她交流、沟通,时代的确不同了,但妈妈的一些人生经验却是很有意义的,只是我们孩子们往往看不到这一点。既然我们有这样的误解,那就解除它们,我妈妈也尽量让自己多学点时尚的东西,增加点年轻人的活力,时不时也能冒出点“晕”、“东东”、“I服了YOU”这样的青春专用语,没想到网络让我和妈妈的距离一下子近了许多.在我眼里,老妈好像并不像我所想象的那样死板不开化。从言行上有认同感之后,我和家长之间自然在思想上也会渐渐产生认同感,也就愿意把自己不开心、不理解、不明白的事情跟父母说出来,而对父母的建议也就不会再有那么大的抵触情绪了。所以我认为在不影响我们正常学习和生活的基础上,中学生应该上网,但应有选择有节制,决不能沉迷其中.
翻译过来就是Is a network of information collection, there is also the essence of dross, and this is the fact. The world's not perfect things, such as world famous as well as negative thinking, and other dross. We can look at famous bad, to its dregs, why can not the same network can be treated? This network is extremely unfair. For our cross-century generation, in the "information explosion" in an environment generation grew up, on the books for our knowledge is not enough, and the network has provided us with a condition, an opportunity. We can "see the world through the mesh," the world see more "thorough." "Internet library" and "distance learning" has provided us with endless knowledge. This is the general media to none.
The network of individual students as "degenerate" I must express my regret, but it can blame the whole network of it? According to the "internal" and "external" principle, the network can only be regarded as external causes, and this is due to the students. "Chinese people may not be the last red in the past are not necessarily black ink." Is due to the development of things according to decide the direction of things and nature, and the only external "catalyst" role, but no more than one condition, the external work should be adopted. For example, some students want to try to "Love" with "first intimate contact" romantic, was "encouraged" about everything possible on the Internet to look for; and some students do not want to try, you broke Zuipi, he still The do not.
A secondary line the discussion of the problem is chat, a lot of students do other online, chat only. There are many reasons for this, first of all, is their lack of knowledge of the network, just like a touch of a computer, only a reason to play games. As for the chat network, I think this is the case, during the middle school students is a very special stage, from the individual to enter primary school junior, senior high school, his physical and mental development has undergone substantial changes, this period of middle school students have a strong reverse psychology, in peacetime The study, life and our parents is always in a different point of view, offensive and some of the parents, and when parents can not be unified thinking, I will be using the Internet to friends and the identity of the mother to the hair Iraq Fall sister, mother or a business trip when she QQ and exchange, communication, the times are indeed different, but the mother of some of the life experience is very significant, but our children often do not see that. Since we have such a misunderstanding, it would be to lift them, I have my mother as far as possible, learn their own fashion point of East and West, point to increase the vitality of the young people, from time to time also be able to point out the "Halo" and "East", "I serve The YOU "such a youth-specific language, I did not expect the network to allow mother and the distance nearly all of a sudden a lot. In my eyes, as if Mom does not like what I imagined as rigid Bukai Hua. From the words and deeds on their sense of identity, between the natural parents and I will begin to emerge in the ideological identity, it is willing to put themselves unhappy, do not understand, do not understand things with the parents say, and the parents of the proposal There will not be as great as the resistance. So I think we will not be affected normal life and learning on the basis of secondary school students should be online, but the choice should be moderate, must not be obsessed.
China's Internet development in the near future, not yet built a complete system, as developed countries did not improve. The "Internet" is a case in point. Many Internet cafes only economic benefits but did not manage to customers. Students go to school in time for the Internet, they are indifferent; students to spend the night in the cafe, who ignored. Contributed to the accumulation of quantitative change brought about a qualitative change from happening, a lot of students used to, resulting in decreased learning, running away from home, and other events. If the whole society into action, more than a few "mother network" and "mother network of volunteers" to prevent such incidents from happening, we can not allow a repeat of the tragedy. Recently, the fight against illegal Internet cafes around the activities, but also the enactment of relevant laws, is a very good start.你自己可以取舍