方孝孺,宇希直,又字希古,宁海人。方孝孺年幼时很机警敏捷,两眼炯炯有神,每天读书超过一 寸厚。他成年后跟从宋濂学习,宋濂的学生中的著名人士都不如他。方孝孺常常把阐明王遭、获得天下大于作为自己的使命。洪武十五年,因吴沉、揭框的推荐.被大祖召见。大祖欣赏他举止就庄严肃,对主大子说:“这是一个品行端庄的人才,你应当一直用他到老。”随后按照礼节送他回家。二十五年,又因为别人的推荐被召到宫廷。大祖说:“现在不是任用方孝孺的时候。”到惠帝即皇帝位,征召他任翰林侍讲,第二年又升调他做诗讲学士,国家重大的政事皇帝都要向他询问。惠帝喜欢读书,每当碰上疑难,就召见他让他讲解。官员们上朝讨论事情难以作出决定时,有时皇帝就让方孝孺在自己的挫位前拟写批复。燕兵作乱,朝廷商量讨伐他们,诏书和檄文都出自他的手。
【《古文观止·209、深虑论·方孝孺》白话翻译】 考虑天下大事的人,常常在分析那些难以处理的事,却忽略了那些客易办到的事;防备那些被认为可怕的事,却遗忘了那些不戒备的事。然而,灾祸往往发生于被忽略的事物中,动乱往往出现在不戒备的地方。难道是由于考虑得不周密吗?这是因为,思虑所能达到的,是人事之中理应发生的现象;智力达不到的地方,是由天道规定的。 秦朝兴起,消灭诸侯,统一了天下。秦始皇认为,周朝的灭亡是由于诸侯的强大,因此用建立郡县制度代替分封诸侯。正在他认为武力不必再用,天子之位可以世代相传的时候,却不知道汉高祖已经在田野间崛起,最终推翻了秦朝。汉朝接受秦皇室孤立的惩戒,因此大封嫡子以外的子弟为诸侯,认为同姓之间关系亲密,可以使刘氏统治世代不变地继承下去,可是七个诸侯王国却萌生了篡权弑君的阴谋。汉武帝和汉宣帝以后,逐渐分割诸侯王的封地,分散他们的势力,以为这样做就不会发生事变了,可是外戚王莽终于篡夺了汉朝的权位。东汉光武帝接受西汉哀帝和平帝大权旁落于外戚的惩戒,曹魏接受东汉灭亡的教训,西晋接受曹魏灭亡的教训,它们各自借鉴前朝灭亡的教训而加以防备,可是它们后来的灭亡,大都由于防备之外的原因。唐太宗听信武氏将要杀他子孙的传言,就要将可疑的人都找出来除掉,然而武则天整日在他左右伺候,他却并不觉察。宋太祖看到五代时期的方镇势力足以制约君主,就将各地将帅的兵权全部解除,使他们的势力薄弱,因而容易控制,却不料他的子孙最终受到敌国的困厄。上述人物都具有超人的智慧,是盖世的英才,他们对于安定与动乱、生存与灭亡之间转化的细微苗头,思虑得很详尽,防备得很周密。可是,当他们在这方面思虑得很深刻时,灾祸却在另一方面发生了,像这样终于导致动乱与灭亡的原因是什么呢?因为,智慧可以用来思谋人事,却不可能理解天意。高明医生的儿子,大多死于疾病;高明巫师的儿子,大多死于鬼祟。难道他们善于救活他人却拙于救活自己儿子吗?他们也同样善于作人为的思考而拙于理解天意啊。 古代的圣人,懂得将天下传到后世总要发生变化,这不是运用智慧就能思虑周全的,也不是法令与权术能够控制的,因此就不敢任意施展他们的阴谋诡计,只是积累最诚恳的心意,用大的恩德去感动上天的意志,使上天眷顾他们的德行,就像慈祥的毋亲保育婴儿一般不忍心抛弃。因此,他们的子孙中即使有极其愚笨不能成器而足以使国家灭亡的,上天却最终不忍心让他们的国家立即灭亡。这正是思虑深远的人啊!如果自己不能去感动上天,却想用小小的智谋去笼络当世的人际事务,还以为后世一定不会危亡,这样的道理肯定是不存在的,难道还能符合天道吗? 原文翻译为英文如下:TianXiaZhe, often careless its hard and map the easy; suddenly Prepare its awesome, and left the oat bran. However, in disaster often hair, and disorderly often up among the suspected in shortage. Do not weeks rhyme with the? Cover the rhyme can and person, the appropriate personnel, and the likelihood of intelligence, who as heaven also.When qin, and destroy the world, a world of six governors. And the heart of governors died in that week, changed the feudal and strong ear for counties. Party thought BingGe don't reuse of the bits can, emperor han emperor keep, but not in tianshui mu, and since he died of qin justice. The isolation of the qin han punishing evildoers, and DaJian ordinary governors, thought for the pro, can have namesake without changing, but seven countries of shi impaction reigned homophobic match. Sasha, proclaims later, slightly analysis and divided their potential, the past is past, and no matter that he WangMang elementary move han. Light of grief and flat punishmen wu han, wei, jin of punishing the punishing, the punishing the wei by wu and prepared for, and his dead also, all for the outside it. The sons of WenWuShi emperor taizong in death, ask the suspected of WuShi except, but rather, the enlightenment about waitresses. Song of the TaiZu see fifth square town, all made the king to release its BingQuan, makes force weak and easy system for children, but not the enemy had in. This is a person who has a wisdom, negative, its only in the earth or revolution, think of a few judges for details of it. But In this and careless woe to cut prospering in Pilate, and ultimately to mess HeZai dead? Cover seeks wisdom can, not can seeks the days.
The son of healing, died of illness; Good wu son, die of demons. He is living ZhuoYu live himself pettiness and sons of zai? But ZhuoYu seeks and pettiness seeks the heavens also. The saint, know all future generations change, the wisdom to the rhyme of illegal operation, zhou can system, dare not loses its privity trickery, but only product sincere, pure with the greatness and eker, make the heavens as soon as possible, if the mother's interpretation of the consignment and awkward. So his children and grandchildren, although have to fool enough to subscribe to the prodigal, and days of ju he wouldn't dropped dead. The rhyme and the far. Since "in Cardiff if not days, but you want to use only wisdom. Netting contemporary issues, and will follow later without the peril, there will also, but do the heaven zai!