

日期:2024-02-23 06:05:34    标签:  

1. 跪求三人的英语短剧,不用太长,3~5分钟就好

顾客:小心,你的大拇指在我汤里了服务员:别担心,先生,不是很烫!A : Watch out! Your thumbs in my soup!B: Don't worry Sir it's not that hot! 一个服务员给顾客拿来了牛排,大拇指在牛肉上。

“你疯了吗?”顾客喊到,“你的手在我的牛排上!”“什么?”服务员说,“你想让它再掉地上?”A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat.A:Are you crazy?( yelled the customer ),with your hand on my steak?(What answers the waiter) You want it to fall on the floor again? 服务员:茶或咖啡?先生。第一个顾客:我要茶第二个顾客:我也是茶——杯子要干净的!服务员:两杯茶,哪个要干净的杯子?B:(Waiter:) Tea or coffee gentlemen?A:I'll have tea.C:(2nd customer:) Me too - and be sure the glass is clean!(Waiter exits returns)B:(Waiter:) Two teas. Which one asked for the clean glass?创新句子:我坚持用干净杯子喝茶。

服务员,这只苍蝇在我汤里干什么?看起来象是在仰泳,A:Waiter what's this fly doing in my soup?Um looks to me to be backstroke sir。服务员,汤里有只苍蝇!别担心,先生,面包里的蜘蛛会干掉它。

A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup!B:Don't worry sir the spider on the breadroll will get 'em. 服务员,我汤里有只苍蝇!不是,先生,那是蟑螂,苍蝇在你牛排里。A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup!C:No sir that's a cockroach the fly is on your steak. 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇!别让别人看见,先生,要不别人都要。

A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup!B:Keep it down sir or they'll all be wanting one.服务员,汤里有只苍蝇!我知道,先生,我们没有另收钱。A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup!C:Its OK Sir there's no extra charge!服务员,汤里有只苍蝇!对不起,先生,我弄走那三个时忘了这个。

A:Waiter there is a fly in my soup!B:Sorry sir maybe I've forgotten it when I removed the other three.服务员,汤里有只死苍蝇!是的,先生,是开水杀死了它们。A:Waiter there's a dead fly in my soup!C:Yes sir it's the hot water that kills them.。

2. 3人英语短剧4分钟

人物:A, B, CA和B为朋友C 为小偷A and B waits for the bus with hands full of shopping bags. A carrying expensive LV handbag. C stands next to A.The bus comes and all three board the bus.A: I'm tired out from all that shopping!B: Yeah but we managed to get quite a few good bargains!C looks around, a little nervous. Stands closer to AThe road is a little bumpy and the stuffy air is somewhat uncomfortable. A turns to CA(to C): Excuse me, sir. Can you stop leaning towards me?C: sorry (move away)B: Are you alright?A: Yes, but he makes me feel uncomfortable.B: Relax, we only have 2 more stops to go. 公车继续向前C turn to A C:May I know which stop to alight to get to XX mall?A is not sure and asks B, turning her head away from C. C took the chance to put his hand into A's handbag, A is oblivious as she/he is busy talking to B.A: *give directions to C* take 4 more stops from here and alight, walk north until you see a McDonalds, and then turn right, you should see the shopping mallC puts something into his bagC: thank you.C accidentally drops something from his bagA: Wait a minute! What is my keychain doing in your bag?C looks at A nervouslyA: are you a pickpocket?C: no。

I。(door opens, C runs to the door)B grabs C as C run past BC: I'm sorry. I'm urgently in need of cash so。

A: Please return my purse and promise you would not do it again.C: yes I promise.B:alright, we'll let you off this time but don't let us catch you doing it again.应该够四分钟了,。

3. 在线求助英语短剧(三人的)最好在3

hello , it's time for lunch, 喂,你们去吃饭吗? yeah, I feel hungry 好,我肚子是有点饿了, yes, who is not active at lunch who's mind is problem 是啊,吃饭不积极,脑子有问题, you go to find 3 seats, and I go to buy lunch 你俩去找个位置,我去买饭 OK 好的 check it out, 来了, I eat less at dinner, and eat more at lunch, what about you? 我晚饭吃的比较少,中饭吃的比较多,你们呢? me? not certainly, not fastidious like you 我不一定的,没你那么讲究啦 I always care these notices, I cares as well as eat less and eat more times too. 我一直注意的,我还一直注意少食多餐 hehe, it sounds great, it seems that we should reference his philosophy about eating. 呵呵,听起来挺有道理的,我们似乎也可以借鉴一下他的饮食 哲学。

4. 10个第三人称的英文句子


①Han Mei looks like her mother. 韩梅看起来像她的母亲。

②Beijing is in China. 北京在中国。

③Uncle Wang often makes cakes. 王叔叔经常做蛋糕。

三、单数可数名词或"this / that / the+单数可数名词"作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:

①A horse is a useful animal. 马是有用的动物。

②This book is yours. 这本书是你的。

③That car is red. 那辆小汽车是红色的。

④The cat is Lucy's. 这只猫是露茜的。

四、不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:

①Everyone is here. 大家到齐了。

②There is something wrong with the watch. 这块手表有毛病。

③This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。

④That is an eraser. 那是一块橡皮擦。


①The milk is in the glass. 牛奶在玻璃杯里。

②The bread is very small. 那面包很小。


①"6" is a lucky number. "6"是个吉利数字。

②"I" is a letter. "I"是个字母。

5. 英文简短对话3人,急啊


A: Hi, XX!! (嗨,XX!)

B: Hey! XX!!!(嘿!XX!)

A: How are you, my friend? I haven't seen you for such a long time!


B: Yeah, I know, long time no see!


A: Oh, let me introduce, this is my friend, Jenny.


Jenny: Hi~ Nice to meet you.


B: Nice to meet you too. Wow, your English is amazing!

(见到你也很高兴!哇塞,你英语可真不错!注:Amazing 是美国人常用口头语,表示 ”棒得让人感到惊喜“)

Jenny: Oh, thank you, I'm flattered!

(哦,谢谢,过奖了。注:flatter本意是”奉承“的意思,I'm flattered是美国常用口语,表过奖,感到被夸奖的意思)

B: No, I mean it, your pronunciation is excellent, you speak English really well!

(没,我是认真的,你的发音很地道,你英语讲得是真不错!注:I mean it 是绝对常用口语 I mean it = I'm serious)

Jenny: Oh, thanks again, I appreciate your encouragement!


B: Haha, my pleasure!


A: Hey, hey, you two get along quite well!


之前的网友 “热心网友”的dialog写得有些问题,我想指出一下:你的英语老外绝对能懂,但不是很地道,特别是这句your English speaking is so good! 还有Just soso.国内中文教材是这么教的,但是现实生活中,美国人从来都不这么说,so so是典型的中式英文,国内教材误人子弟。so so虽然美国人懂什么意思,但绝对不是常用的口语。人家一般说,My English is just okay 我英语凑凑合合。


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