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新2的第一单元1~20 课?词和句各自的数量不管,只要10条就可以了是么? 1 Lesson 1 - A private conversation A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. I got very angry. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did。你好请问你发的是什么? 没有发出来,所以没办法翻译


原句应该是:Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists; but it is of a kind that. 翻译:即使由于装备和技术的关系,露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。 snobbery原本是“势力”的意思。The days are long and the nights are short the sun rises early and sets late. days表示很多天,nights表示很多夜晚,这两个都是名词,它的谓语为are, the sun rises early and sets late.这句话rises,sets是动词,表示单三 因为主语是the。

学习新概念可以提高英语水平,单词,语法,句子。 学习《新概念英语》的好处和具体的学习方法: 第一部分,听力。 大家完全可以把《新概念英语》当成是一套很好的听力教材。《新概念英语》的配套磁带有英音的和美音的两种。大家可以根据自己的实际。用两个介词也很正常,他们都是指向后面的名词,如,He stayed up (late) to eleven.他熬到11点。

不需要把所有的都背了的. 学习语言如果只是为了用,而不是为了做研究,那就不必刻意去学习语法.while counting the 1084 steps 可以视为省去了主语的从句,while he was counting the 1084 steps,因为和 he has been arrested主语都是he,就省略了主语。 例如 My Dad fell asleep while he was watching TV.我爸爸在看电视时睡着了. 这句可。

Dear Tom, How are you keeping these days? It has been a year and a half since we said good-bye to each other. I am now writing to tell you something about my family. Actually there are only 3 people in my family: my father, mot。1Spiders are not insects but many people think that spiders are insects,。。。. many people think that spiders are insects but it's not. as many people think 位于主句之后,think 后也可说是省略了 spiders are insects,意思是“ 。


新概念英语分别相当于什么水平?第一册适合小学5-6年级,二册适合初中1-2年级,三册适合高中1-2年级,四册适合高三-大一。第一册◎英语初阶(FIRSTTHINGSFIRST)读者对象:(1)零起点的英语学习者(2)小学高年级学生或初中一、二年级学生(3)欲。i could answer all the questions. They were very easy. The questions were easy enough for me to answer i couldn't answer all the questions. They were very difficult. The questions were too difficult for me to answer i could ans。


1。所以天气在南我squite不同于北。 2。在上海,我们有一个温暖而潮湿的地方春天,炎热的夏天,和寒冷的冬季凉爽的秋天 3。冬天许多游客来到海南和在明媚的阳光下在海滩上散步 4。在中国的北方,孩子们可以堆雪人和玩雪球 5。在好玩场比赛我们的朋友。原句应该是:Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists; but it is of a kind that. 翻译:即使由于装备和技术的关系,露营本身已经成为一个趋炎附势的问题。 snobbery原本是“势力”的意思。

亲:为什么一定要学习新概念呢?其实课本里的内容才是实在的。Lesson 139: Is that you, John? 是你吗,约翰? GRAHAM TURNER: Is that you, John? JOHN SMITH: Yes, speaking. GRAHAM TURNER: Tell Mary we'll be late for dinner this evening. JOHN SMITH: I'm afraid I don't understand. GRAHAM TURNER: 。

3句? 你是说新一吗?我现在是在用新三,所以帮不到你。抱歉!祝你学习进步!

用两个介词也很正常,他们都是指向后面的名词,如,He stayed up (late) to eleven.他熬到11点。不需要把所有的都背了的. 学习语言如果只是为了用,而不是为了做研究,那就不必刻意去学习语法.
