爱情短信大全网>句子大全> 正文 2020-06-02 15:38



fire alarm 火警 first aid 急救

fireman 消防员 消防箱 fire hose

灭火器 fire extinguisher FH 消防栓(fire fydrant)

FHC 消防栓箱(fire hydrant cabinet)

FHSC 消防水带箱(fire hose storage cabinet)

FPS 消防系统(fire protection system)

fire lift 消防电梯


消防员、又称消防队员、武警救火等,为政府或民间团体所成立的救火救人团体成员。消防员的职责一般在于消灭火灾及救护服务。 消防分队通常是一个国家所成立专职于救火、救援等事项的专门部门最底层的分枝,为站在第一线的政府机关。而消防队员即为其中成员。一些热心的民间人士也会在政府的许可下成立民间的消防队,一般皆为服务性质。 同所有的危险不同,消防员面临的死亡威胁更加直接和猛烈,他们与火神战斗的结果就是:要么挽救更多的人,要么自身被火蛇吞没。

Firefighters, also called firefighters, police, fire, etc for government or private organizations have established fire rescue group members. Firefighters duty is commonly consumed fire and ambulance services. Fire unit is usually a country founded by fire and rescue full-time in such matters as the branch of specialized departments for station bottom first in line to government authorities. While firefighters namely as one of the members. Some warm-hearted folks will also established under the government permission of the fire brigade, generally all folk for service properties. With all of the danger facing the different, firefighters more direct and violent death threats, they and the outcome of the battle in the vulcan is: either save a lot more people, either by fiery serpent engulf their.



防火 fire prevention

防火检查 fire check

防火构造 fireproof construction

隔音防火 sound-and-fire proof

防火设备 fire protection equipment


fire safety notice 消防安全提示

fire alarm 火警

fire department 消防局

fireman 消防员

fire fighting 灭火

escaping from fire 逃离火场

hose 消防水管

foam 灭火泡沫


firemen 英['faɪəmən] 美['faɪəmən]

n. 消防员;

[例句]Firemen said they had the blaze under control


[其他] 原型: fireman
