爱情短信大全网>句子大全> 正文 2020-05-28 13:42

英语过去时句子(英语用be的过去式写10 个句子)


1、He was here yesterday.     他昨天在这。                                                            

2、 I got up at seven yesterday morning.        我昨天早上七点起床的、                                                 

3、My mother was at work yesterday afternoon.   昨天下午我的妈妈在工作。                                            

4、Did you have a good time last summer? 去年夏天你过的好吗?

5、I did my homeword yesterday. 我昨天做了家庭作业。

6、I had dinner with my friends last night.昨晚我和朋友们一起吃晚餐。

7、I watched a great movie the day before yesterday. 我前天看了部很棒的电影。

8、When was she in Grade 她什么时候上1年级?

9、.We were together yesterday.我们昨天在一起.

10、Where were you yesterday?昨天你们在哪里?







yesterday、the day before today、last Monday等表示时间的。或像past、before、ago等等介词。


I watched TV yesterday.

She danced before.

He visited relatives before.

Ann sang this morning.

Amy surfed the net before.

Bill played before.

Ben had lunch before.

Bingbing ate sonmething before.

Gogo drank cola.

Tony saw a movie before.


英语过去时句子(英语用be的过去式写10 个句子)


1.I went home after school yesterday.

2.Lily played games after class this afternoon.

3.Bob played football after school

4.Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday.

5.I went to the park yesterday.

6.We went hiking last month.

7.I bought this bag two hours ago.

8.I lost my pen.

9.I went to bed early yesterday.

10.I went to school by bus this morning.

11.We wore uniforms to school.

12.My parents didn't have TV when they were my age.

13.I visited my grandmother.

14.I did some sports.

15.I studied for the math test.

16.I went to the beach.

17.I played tennis.

18.He went to the movies.

19.I cleaned my room.

20.I played the guitar.

21.He came here two years ago.

22.We played basketball last week.

23.I washed my face yesterday.

24.I heard some noise outside.

25.I cried at home last night.

26.He travelled to Australia two weeks ago.

27.I caught my cat in the garden this morning.

28.She found her pen in her room.

29.I was a student three years ago.

30.I saw the film three days ago.

31.Mr Green bought a new computer yesterday.

32.She lived here two years ago.

33.Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.

34.I arrived in Hong Kong yesterday.

35.The examination came off yesterday.


如:He didn't go to school yesterday.

She won the competition last night.

I missed the bus this morning.

一般过去时的句子是表示过去发生的事情,只要时间是过去的,就算一般过去时。 句型:

1. When is your birthday, Kangkang?康康,你的生日是什么时候?

May the eighteenth.五月十八日。

①“when”可以就年、月、日和钟点进行提问,而“what time”只能就钟点进行提问。


a.把月份写在日期前面,这通常是美国写法。如:March 21st,2001 读作March the twenty-first, two thousand and one(2001年3月21日)

b.先写日子,再写月份和年,这通常是英国写法。如::21st March,2001读作the twenty-first of March, two thousand and one

2. ---I beg it’s going to be fun.我敢断定肯定有趣。---You bet.当然了。

3. What day is it today? It’s Friday.

询问星期用What day…? 回答用It……如:

What day is it today? It’s Wednesday. 或Today is Wednesday.

4. What’s the date today? It’s May 21st,2004.

询问日期用What’s the date…?如:What’s the date the day afternoon?

5. Tomorrow is your mom’s birthday.

名词所有格表示名词之间的所属关系。一般有两种表示方式,一种是在名词后加 's 构成,一种是用 of 所有格。

(1) 表示有生命的人或物的名词,在词尾加 's 来表示从属关系,如:

Mary’s school bag my sister’s cat

(2) 以 s 结尾的名词,表示所有格只在后面加’, 如:

the boys’ game the teachers’ chairs

(3) 由 and 连接两个或两个以上的单数名词,表示共有关系,这时只在最后一个名词后加 's ,如:

Tom and Mike’s sister

Jack and John’s room

Tom’s and Jack’s fathers

(4) 无生命东西的名词,一般都与 of 构成短语,表示所属关系, 如:

a map of China a picture of my school

6. How shall we celebrate it?我们要怎样庆祝呢?

Shall we have a special dinner?我们吃一顿特别的晚餐怎么样?

“Shall I…/Shall we…”用于示表示建议或征求意见,也可用“疑问词+shall +I / we…”如:Shall we go swimming this afternoon?今天下午我们去游泳好吗?

What time shall we start?我们该什么时候出发?

7. Don’t forget to buy a birthday cake.别忘了买生日蛋糕。


(1) 接名词或代词,如:

I forget his name.我忘了他的名字。

Don’t forget me.别忘了我。


Please don’t forget to close the door when you leave.你离开时请别忘了关门。


I forget meeting you in Beijing.我忘了在北京见到过你。

8. Kangkang is going to be thirteen on May the eighteenth.

介词on ,in和at放在时间前的用法:

(1) on放在某一或某些确定或不确定的时间前,如某天(某些天),某天的上午,下午或晚上,如:

on August 18th,1980 在1980年8月18日

on Sunday 在星期天 on Saturday evening在星期六的晚上

on a cold day 在一个寒冷的日子 on Children’s Day在儿童节

(2) in表示在一段时间,多放在年、月、季节等时间前,如:

in summer在夏天 in July在七月 in the morning在早上

(3) at用在某一时刻、年纪、夜晚、中午等时间前,如:

at 8 o’clock在八点 at night在夜晚

at noon在中午 at the age of ten 在十岁时

9. When were you born?你什么时候出生?

I was born in June ,1970.我生于1970年6月。

10. Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t.

I’m afraid往往相当于I’m sorry, but…可用来引出带有歉意的句子,表求一种担忧,语气较缓和,如:I’m afraid I can’t come.(=I’m sorry, but I can’t come.)

英语用be的过去式写10 个句子

be动词:am is are

过去式: was were



I was at home last week. 我上个星期在家。

They were making a kite yesterday afternoon. 他们昨天下午在做风筝。
